April 4, 2022

Are there Positive Aspects to ADHD?

What are we to make of adults who exhibit the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, but are nevertheless high-functioning and successful? A trio of British investigators has just published six case studies that explore this question.  It would have been better for them to have conducted a much larger, controlled research study but, in the absence of such data in the area, these case studies are intriguing and may help guide more informative research.

The authors recruited six successful men between the ages of 30 and 65 from a National Health Service tertiary service in London. Four were in long-term relationships, with children. All had good jobs.

In open-ended taped interviews of up to an hour in length, each was asked three questions:

1.     What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having ADHD?
2.     Please describe a time when you felt that your ADHD helped you to achieve something?
3.     What aspects of your ADHD would you miss if it went away?

Hyper-focus in ADHD is generally considered a deficit, inset-shifting, and task-switching. But the authors report that participants associated it with productivity. One said, “I think the energy that the ADHD brain seems to have....it’s unfocused, quite scattered, chaotic and a bit random...but give that brain something that you can tune into, and it’s your interest, then all that random stuff just goes boom... I get this incredible intense concentration and that’s great for work.”
Participants also saw advantages in divergent thinking, with one stating, “I’m an artist.... a creative type... a Bohemian.... you are most likely to be a creative person if you are a divergent thinker....and not convergent... I am very creative and that’s through and through... I’m a fine art graduate, a musician, a published poet, an entrepreneur, a performer.”

All the participants reported being seen as nonconformists. Depending on a viewpoint, that can be seen as either detrimental or advantageous.
Impulsivity is a core symptom of ADHD. Participants however related it to bravery, and more specifically adventurousness, spontaneity, and thrill-seeking. One said, “thrill-seeking is an ADHD thing... I can list in my life have done white water rafting, bungee jumping, hand-glider pilot … I have done a lot in my life and achieved a lot and experienced a lot... Furthermore, I would see a lot of that as being quite positive, and a lot of that is ADHD drive.”
Another common theme was high energy and “spirit.” One participant said, “I’ve got all this energy.... a lot of energy... whatever it's to do with... nature/nurture/spiritual stuff.”

These testimonials are useful as a check on the usual narrative of impairment. ADHD does not predestine all it afflicts to an unfulfilling life. Many, often assisted by medication, still lead exciting, successful, rewarding lives.   Yet, we must be cautious in concluding that these individuals were successful because of their ADHD.  It is possible, even likely, that they had other strengths such as high intelligence that compensated for their ADHD symptoms.  We can not know from this report if their lives had been even more fulfilling or successful in the absence of ADHD.   See, for example, my blog about highly intelligent people with ADHD:  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141126141502-65669938-smart-people-can-have-adhd-too/.

While the authors concede that “generalizing the findings of this study is not easy to do,” they inexplicably “also argue that the positive aspects we found are relevant to other adults with ADHD regardless of sample size, age, gender or ethnicity.”   It is not possible to draw such a definitive conclusion without a much larger sample.
On a hopeful note, they conclude, “This is a study that reaches out to people with lived experience of ADHD: service users, patients, family members, carers, partners, to say that not all symptoms of ADHD are maleficent. Recovery, high functionality, and flourishing with ADHD are possible. Too often people with lived experience hear about ADHD deficits, functional impairments, and associations with substance misuse, criminality, or other disadvantages on almost every level of life (school, work, relationships). … This study affirms the positive human qualities, assets, and attributes in ADHD that can promote and sustain high functioning and flourishing.” I fully endorse the idea that those with ADHD can have wonderful lives, especially if they receive appropriate treatment, both medical and psychological.

Jane Ann Sedgwick, Andrew Merwood, Philip Asherson, “The positive aspects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a qualitative investigation of successful adults with ADHD,” ADHD Attention Deficit and hyperactivity Disorders (2018), doi.org/10.1007/s12402-018-0277-6.

Antshel, K. M., Faraone, S. V., Maglione, K., Doyle, A. E., Fried, R., Seidman, L. J. & Biederman, J. (2010). Executive functioning in high-IQ adults with ADHD. Psychol Med 40, 1909-18.

Rommelse, N., Antshel, K., Smeets, S., Greven, C.,Hoogeveen, L., Faraone, S. V. & Hartman, C. A. (2017). High intelligenceand the risk of ADHD and other psychopathology. Br J Psychiatry.

Rommelse, N., van der Kruijs, M., Damhuis, J., Hoek,I., Smeets, S., Antshel, K. M., Hoogeveen, L. & Faraone, S. V. (2016). Anevidenced-based perspective on the validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder in the context of high intelligence. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 71, 21-47.

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Meta-analysis finds little to no association between prenatal cannabis exposure and offspring ADHD

Meta-analysis Finds Little-to-No Association Between Prenatal Cannabis Exposure and Offspring ADHD

Prevalence of cannabis use among pregnant women is on the rise with the spread of legalization. The most frequently reported reasons for use are to relieve stress or anxiety, nausea or vomiting, pain, and for recreation.

Given that the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a small fat-soluble molecule that can easily cross the placenta, an Israeli-U.S. research team conducted a systematic search of the peer-reviewed medical literature for studies exploring possible neuropsychiatric effects on offspring.  

They included not only studies evaluating likelihood of ADHD, but also autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, depression, and psychotic symptoms. For each of these, adjustment was made for known confounding variables.

With that adjustment, meta-analysis of six studies with a total of over half a million (503,661) participants reported a 13% increase in the odds of ADHD in offspring of mothers using cannabis during pregnancy compared with offspring of mothers not using cannabis while pregnant.

That is generally considered a small effect size increase in risk. But there are multiple reasons to question even this minimal finding:

  • It barely achieved statistical significance.
  • A few studies used more reliable clinical diagnoses, while most just used ADHD symptom rating scales.
  • It is virtually impossible to eliminate all confounding variables. Twin studies come closest to fully accounting for otherwise unmeasured environmental and genetic confounders, but no such studies were included.
  • The team made no effort to evaluate publication bias.  
  • Almost all the participants (497,821) were in a single study, and that study – which relied on clinical diagnoses – did not find a significant association.

Meta-analysis of two studies with a total of 741 individuals reported a 20% increase in offspring use of cannabis among mothers who used cannabis during pregnancy, but once again this was subject to methodological shortcomings:

  • Two studies do not make for a robust meta-analysis, even more so with only 741 participants.
  • The result barely achieved statistical significance.
  • Publication bias was unaddressed.
  • Small effect sizes are questionable due to the virtual impossibility of eliminating all confounding variables, especially without twin studies.

Some studies have suggested a link between cannabis and psychotic symptoms. But meta-analysis of four studies combining over nineteen thousand persons found no significant association between maternal cannabis use during pregnancy and offspring psychotic symptoms.

Many studies have pointed to commonalities in the etiology of ADHD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Yet meta-analysis of five studies encompassing over half a million participants found absolutely no association between maternal prenatal cannabis use and ASD.  

The remaining meta-analyses also reported no association with depression or anxiety.

With the caution that absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence, it is by no means clear from what is presently known that prenatal cannabis exposure has any significant neuropsychiatric effects on offspring. And if further research finds any effects, they are likely to be minor.

July 26, 2024

Meta-analysis Associates Dasotraline with Some Reduction in ADHD Symptoms

Meta-analysis Associates Dasotraline with Some Reduction in ADHD Symptoms

Dasotraline is a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (SNDRI) that had been under development by Sunovion for treating ADHD and binge eating disorder.  

An Indian research team conducted a systematic search of the peer-reviewed medical literature to perform meta-analyses of the quantitative outcomes of clinical trials. 

Meta-analysis of five double-blinded randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with a combined total of 1,498 participants reported a small-to-medium effect size reduction in ADHD symptoms in patients given dasotraline as opposed to those given placebo. 

There were, however, strong indications of publication bias. Using the trim-and-fill procedure to correct for that bias yielded a small effect size reduction in ADHD symptoms in patients given dasotraline compared with those given placebo. 

Insomnia were more than four times more frequent among patients given dasotraline than among those given placebo. There was no evidence of the frequency of insomnia being dose-dependent. 

Similarly, patients given dasotraline were more than four times more likely to report decreased appetite than those receiving placebo. In this case, however, the effect was clearly dose-dependent, rising from 3x for 2mg to 4x for 4mg to 5x for 6mg and almost 8x for 8mg. 

The authors concluded, “dasotraline can reduce the core symptoms of ADHD, that is, hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattentiveness, leading to an overall improvement of ADHD compared to placebo. Dasotraline can also improve clinician-determined patients’ global functioning compared to the placebo. The most common adverse drug reactions related to dasotraline were insomnia and decreased appetite. However, to fill the knowledge gap, multicentric randomized active-controlled clinical trials are warranted in this domain for a successful translation into clinical practice.” 

Weighing these less than impressive initial results against the cost of further RCTs, Sunovion withdrew its application for approval by the Food and Drug Administration, stating, “while Sunovion considers dasotraline to be a promising, novel treatment for binge eating disorder and ADHD, we believe that further clinical studies would be needed to support a regulatory approval for dasotraline in these indications.” 

July 25, 2024

Meta-Analysis: Young People with ADHD Experience Serious Social Cognition Impairments

Meta-analysis Concludes Children and Adolescents with ADHD Experience Serious Impairments in Social Cognition, Affecting Social Functioning

Children and adolescents with ADHD are known to have difficulties in relating to family members, peers, and teachers. Over the long run this can contribute to anxiety or even delinquency. 

Several cognitive functions that allow individuals to process social information and interact with others contribute to shaping everyday social interactions. These include: 

  • Theory of mind (ToM): Being able to attribute mental states to others, and thus explain and predict their behaviors. 
  • Empathy: Being able to feel an appropriate emotion in response to another person’s mental state, and thereby understand others’ feelings. 
  • Emotion recognition: Being able to identify emotions in facial expressions and other communication cues, such as voice and body position. 

A European research team performed a systematic search of the peer-reviewed medical literature to conduct meta-analyses of ToM, Empathy, Facial and Non-Facial Emotion Recognition in children and adolescents with ADHD when compared to typical development. As a comparison measure, they also included Everyday Social Skills (using self, parent, teacher, or clinician questionnaires/interviews of social skills) as an outcome. 

The search yielded 142 case-control studies (including dissertations) with a total of 16,283 participants. 

Meta-analysis of 82 studies with a combined total of 10,770 participants found a very large effect size impairment in everyday social skills among children and adolescents with ADHD when compared with typically developing peers. Adjusting for covariates only strengthened the finding. There was no sign of publication bias. 

This was mirrored in three out of five measures of social cognition: 

  • Theory of mind (ToM): Meta-analysis of 49 studies with a total of 2,449 participants identified a large effect size impairment among children and adolescents with ADHD when compared with typically developing peers. Adjusting for covariates made no difference in the outcome. There was no sign of publication bias. 
  • Empathy: Meta-analysis of twelve studies combining 916 individuals yielded a medium effect size impairment among children and adolescents with ADHD. But there were strong signs of publication bias, and the outcome lost significance after adjusting for covariates (perhaps because it became under-powered with three studies pooling only 151 persons). 
  • Facial emotion recognition: Meta-analysis of 43 studies with a total of 3,369 participants reported a medium effect size impairment among children and adolescents with ADHD after adjusting for covariates. There was absolutely no indication of publication bias. 
  • Non-facial emotion recognition: Meta-analysis of eight studies encompassing 707 persons reported a small effect size impairment with signs of publication bias that became insignificant after adjusting for covariates. 

The team concluded, “Our findings show that children and adolescents with ADHD have deficits in ToM, Facial Emotion Recognition, and Everyday Social Skills, three domains that warrant clinical attention.” 

July 22, 2024