Stephen Faraone

About the Author

We curate evidence by systematically reviewing the scientific literature to select studies meeting a very high level of evidence. We limit our curation to two types of evidence: meta-analyses and very large studies. Meta-analyses combine

Stephen Faraone, PhD

Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair of Research of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Professor of Neuroscience and Physiology, Professor of Neuroscience Graduate Program

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Slides to Download

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,

ADHD 2022

This set of slides provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.   It can be used as a presentation meant to be given by someone with prior knowledge of these topics.  Feel free to add or delete slides to this set to accommodate your audience.

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La Declaration de Consensus International sur le Trouble Déficit d’Attention Hyperactivité:​Implications pour le Diagnostic et le Traitement

Ces diapositives constituent une introduction à la Déclaration de consensus internationale sur le TDAH. Elles décrivent les méthodes et les résultats les plus pertinents pour le diagnostic et le traitement de ce trouble. Le texte qui accompagne chaque diapositive est la manière dont les diapositives ont été présentées par le Professeur Faraone lors du "Symposium international sur le TDAH".

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International Consensus Statement

This set of 370 slides is not meant to be a single presentation.  Instead, it is meant to provide slides that describe the findings reported in the International Consensus Statement of ADHD.  Educators can use these slides to create presentations crafted for their educational goals.

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ADHD 2022

This set of slides provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.   It can be used as a presentation meant to be given by someone with prior knowledge of these topics.  Feel free to add or delete slides to this set to accommodate your audience.

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ADHD 2022

This set of slides provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.   It can be used as a presentation meant to be given by someone with prior knowledge of these topics.  Feel free to add or delete slides to this set to accommodate your audience.

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La Declaration de Consensus International sur le Trouble Deficit d’Attention Hyperactivityé:​ Implications pour le Diagnostic et le Traitement

Ces diapositives constituent une introduction à la Déclaration de consensus internationale sur le TDAH. Elles décrivent les méthodes et les résultats les plus pertinents pour le diagnostic et le traitement de ce trouble. Le texte qui accompagne chaque diapositive est la manière dont les diapositives ont été présentées par le Professeur Faraone lors du "Symposium international sur le TDAH".

Télécharger les Diapositives
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International Consensus Statement

This set of 370 slides is not meant to be a single presentation.  Instead, it is meant to provide slides that describe the findings reported in the International Consensus Statement of ADHD.  Educators can use these slides to create presentations crafted for their educational goals.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,

ADHD 2022

This set of slides provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.   It can be used as a presentation meant to be given by someone with prior knowledge of these topics.  Feel free to add or delete slides to this set to accommodate your audience.

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La Declaration de Consensus International sur le Trouble Déficit d’Attention Hyperactivité:​Implications pour le Diagnostic et le Traitement

Ces diapositives constituent une introduction à la Déclaration de consensus internationale sur le TDAH. Elles décrivent les méthodes et les résultats les plus pertinents pour le diagnostic et le traitement de ce trouble. Le texte qui accompagne chaque diapositive est la manière dont les diapositives ont été présentées par le Professeur Faraone lors du "Symposium international sur le TDAH".

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International Consensus Statement

This set of 370 slides is not meant to be a single presentation.  Instead, it is meant to provide slides that describe the findings reported in the International Consensus Statement of ADHD.  Educators can use these slides to create presentations crafted for their educational goals.

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ADHD 2022

This set of slides provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.   It can be used as a presentation meant to be given by someone with prior knowledge of these topics.  Feel free to add or delete slides to this set to accommodate your audience.

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ADHD Coaching

This guide provides information to those who would like to know more about ADHD Coaching. Some countries have official guidelines for treating ADHD and can provide suitable treatment for adults; even some coaching. In other countries, recognition of both ADHD and the various treatments may be rare.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,

ADHD 2022

This set of slides provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.   It can be used as a presentation meant to be given by someone with prior knowledge of these topics.  Feel free to add or delete slides to this set to accommodate your audience.

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La Declaration de Consensus International sur le Trouble Déficit d’Attention Hyperactivité:​Implications pour le Diagnostic et le Traitement

Ces diapositives constituent une introduction à la Déclaration de consensus internationale sur le TDAH. Elles décrivent les méthodes et les résultats les plus pertinents pour le diagnostic et le traitement de ce trouble. Le texte qui accompagne chaque diapositive est la manière dont les diapositives ont été présentées par le Professeur Faraone lors du "Symposium international sur le TDAH".

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International Consensus Statement

This set of 370 slides is not meant to be a single presentation.  Instead, it is meant to provide slides that describe the findings reported in the International Consensus Statement of ADHD.  Educators can use these slides to create presentations crafted for their educational goals.

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ADHD 2022

This set of slides provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.   It can be used as a presentation meant to be given by someone with prior knowledge of these topics.  Feel free to add or delete slides to this set to accommodate your audience.

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ADHD in Children with Dr. Stephen Faraone

Dr. Steve Faraone discusses various aspects of ADHD, including its genetic component, misconceptions about its causes, and the role of stress in its development.He explains the importance of executive functioning and the criteria for diagnosing ADHD according to the DSM-5.

Listen to the Podcast


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SUNY Graduate Research Conference Presentation on Predictive Modeling of ADHD

ADHD: Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments

Evaluating evidence:What is the Outcome?

ADHD: Facts and Fiction

ADHD: Facts and Fiction

Atypical ADHD

Late Onset and Atypical Forms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD and Genetics

Lessons from Three Decades Investigating the Genetics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Advances in the Genetics of ADHD

Webinar- Advances in the Genetics of ADHD: Implications for Clinicians

International Consensus Statement

The International Consensus Statement on ADHD

New Perspectives in ADHD

New Perspectives on Research and Clinical Care for ADHD

SUNY Graduate Research Conference Presentation on Predictive Modeling of ADHD

ADHD: Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments

Evaluating evidence:What is the Outcome?

ADHD: Facts and Fiction

ADHD: Facts and Fiction

Atypical ADHD

Late Onset and Atypical Forms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD and Genetics

Lessons from Three Decades Investigating the Genetics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Advances in the Genetics of ADHD

Webinar- Advances in the Genetics of ADHD: Implications for Clinicians

International Consensus Statement

The International Consensus Statement on ADHD

New Perspectives in ADHD

New Perspectives on Research and Clinical Care for ADHD